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DWY For Building Your Information Empire

... enjoy getting paid for what you know

You've spent a lifetime preparing for this time. You've accumulated tons of insight into your area of expertise. People trust your directions and advice.  

All you need is a guide to help you create your own information empire. 

Don't get overwhelmed by the technology required to develop and deliver your knowledge. The DWY program focuses on you creating your signature solution. Our Team handles all the tech required to deliver an amazing experience to your audience. 

What You Get

Content Course

Our content creation course is not your average run-of-the-mill class. Nope, we're talking about a dynamic, hands-on journey that will take your content game from amateur to pro in no time.

Presentation Course

Presentation is a necessity. This isn't your ordinary presentation skills course; this is your all-access pass to becoming a charismatic, influential speaker who commands attention and leaves a lasting impact. 

Publishing Course

We know the hurdles that come with self-publishing – the maze of formatting, the puzzle of promotion, and the rollercoaster ride of reaching readers. Transform your ideas into magnetic content. 

Membership course

Delivering content through memberships regardless of what you call them is the key to generating income from your expertise. You'll discover this secret.  

Use our Experience to Share your Expertise

Our Team Will... 

Proof Your Content 

There are three types of editing that no writer should ignore. 

  • Editing for Grammar & Voice
  • Editing for Accuracy & Compliance
  • Editing for the Reader Experience

Our team ensures your content scores well in each area. 

Create Your Flow

There is a logical flow the reader expects from an expert. Our team provides that review that ensures the journey the reader takes is going in places that they logically expect. 

Develop your Delivery System

The successful delivery of your content is the key to monetization. There are multiple channels for delivering your content. Our team will develop a delivery strategy with you that is going to pull the greatest results. 

On this path you will... 

Create a unique signature solution that you will build your empire around

Develop various delivery methods to engage your audience

Focus on creating a single source of truth to simplify updates and control

Publish content that clearly demonstrates your expertise 

Monetize your knowledge through multiple streams of income

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